Who we are

Who we are...

We are a group of ordinary, everyday people who strive to live out our lives in the way Jesus taught.  There may be times when we think, say or do something that makes us lift up our hands and go aarrgghh! But the good news of the gospel is that Jesus knows what we're like and still loves us. When we stumble He picks us up, dusts us down and allows us to continue on our journey of seeking to stay close to Him.


How We do it

We are an independent Baptist Church affiliated to the East Midland Association of the Baptist Union of Great
Britain. We have been on this site since 1849 when the Strutt family donated the land to build a chapel.

Although we have only a small membership, we are rich in fellowship and love for each other. We are governed by our ‘church meeting’ and we elect Deacons and Elders who serve us in practical and spiritual things. Our theology is conservative and as ‘Baptists’ we believe in baptism by immersion of people who have obeyed the call of Christ to do so.

Our aim...

Share the joy of knowing Jesus as widely as possible


The Leadership Team
If you would like to speak to anyone from the Leadership Team, you are welcome to contact them through the church email at themilfordbaptistchurch@gmail.com  

Denominational Affiliations
We are a Christian church and we affiliate with
The East Midlands Baptist Association.

Ministry Friends/Partners
Caring for Life
Derby City Mission
Love Russia
Milford Primary School
Valley CIDS (Christians in Derbyshire Schools)
World Vision


Wednesday 12th March
9:15am - 2:30pm -
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