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If you are thinking of visiting us for the first time here are a few questions you may want to know the answers to:

What is the Baptist Church?
Baptist believe along with all Christians that 2000 years ago God stepped into time by sending His only son Jesus to die on the cross in order to take the weight of our sinfulness. We believe that He rose again to show God’s authority over death and that for all who believe in Him receive the gift of to join Him in his Kingdom.

If you’re into the history stuff then you maybe interested in reading this, which is an article that provides details of the history of the Baptist Church

What style of preaching can I expect?
Bible based, relevant for day-to-day life, practical and easy to understand. Mostly this part of the service lasts between 20-25minutes. We believe the Bible is the spoken word of God, a map book, which he has provided to get us to the right place.

What is available for my child?
It is rare for children to be at services other than the Family service. Even so we'd love to see you as a family at any service.

What style of music do you play?
We use Mission Praise. We use keyboard accompaniment for a mix of songs from contemporary to the traditional hymns

What should I wear?
We encourage you to come dressed as you feel comfortable. While some are dressed more formally, others will come much more casually.

What are the services like?
The format of service will vary according to the leader. We sing around 5-6 hymns/songs; have a time of prayer, reading from scripture and the address. On the 1st  Sunday there is a communion. Sometimes we have times of worship that includes several songs being linked together with music and prayer. Most services are about an hour long. The communion service can last a little longer.

Friday 11th April
10:00am - 12:00pm -
Friday 18th April
10:30am - 11:15am -
Sunday 20th April
10:30am - 11:30am -
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