I wonder if you have ever been disappointed when someone has made you a promise and has let you down? They have forgotten what they promised or even deliberately ignored what they had said to you? Sadly, this is something that happens frequently to us … politicians, teachers, friends, even sometimes members of our own family, perhaps even our parents may not have fulfilled their promises.
There are many people today who are feeling neglected, isolated, ignored, frustrated, exhausted, feeling desperately let down and maybe even lied to, because promises that have been made have not been kept. What can be done?
When we know the Lord God Almighty as ‘Our Father Who lives in heaven’, we have an assurance that He understands our situation, whatever other people may do or say to us. Further on in the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to say is this phrase, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ which clearly shows our Father’s love and care for us individually and His preparedness to provide what we need in whatever problems we face.
Jesus teaches us that we do not have to worry about what might happen today or tomorrow. People are anxiously and fearfully worrying and chasing after the things that they want because they do not know that: ‘Our loving Heavenly Father knows what we need.’
The Lord Jesus teaches us that our heavenly Father knows each sparrow and abundantly feeds them, and He clothes the flowers in splendour, giving them a beautiful scent for us to enjoy. Then He tells us that ‘you are worth far more than the sparrows and the flowers, even the very hairs on your head are numbered.’ Does that not inspire us to trust Him with our requests as He encourages us to do?
Sadly, there are people today who are in desperate need, but even in their grief, pain, loneliness and distress, they refuse to ask God for help. Many do not believe He exists. Others ignore His great and precious promises, preferring to worry and in their pride, try and sort out their own problems without asking for His help.
But ‘Our Father Who lives in heaven’ encourages us to humble ourselves and come to Him for help:
‘Ask and you will receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.’
What tremendous promises the Lord gives us. I came to know the Lord God as my Heavenly Father when I was a very young boy, and now, quite a few decades later, I can truthfully say that He has NEVER let me down. He has always kept His promises and as I have asked for His help and provision over all these many years, He has answered and provided what I have needed.
Great is God’s loving faithfulness in keeping all His glorious promises
Perhaps the greatest promise that God has made, refers to our greatest need: ‘If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ Because of the death and resurrection of His Son, our Lord Jesus, we can be forgiven for all our sin, cleansed from all its stains and freed from all its guilt.
What a promise! What a provision! What a release!
The Lord God Almighty gives us this foundational promise:
‘Call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.’
I pray that you will know the joy of calling on our Father in heaven and the security of trusting in His wonderful promises during these difficult days.