What's the Fuss!

Every twelve months it grabs hold of over 2 billion people.

There’s nothing to match it.

Shops base their annual turnover on its success; people decorate their homes for over a month and put up outside lights that dwarf Blackpool’s illuminations!

People travel long distances to be with their family, watch TV specials,

sing Christmas songs,

spend more money

on more presents for more people,

go to church,

and stock up the larder as if all the supermarkets were never going to open again! Christmas is impossible to miss.

What’s the fuss about Christmas?

The story of Christmas is all about the beginning of a new day, a new start, a new dawn. There will be no other son-rise after this. When the day is done it

will be the end. God will not do this again. Jesus, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.

At the end of the day will be an event like no other. Jesus our Lord coming in a way that none can ignore or excuse themselves from.

Whether you’re Christian, atheist or a don’t have timer,

believe or don’t believe,

faithful or faithless

Christmas is important to you. Even if your circumstances make all these tidings of comfort and joy stuff hard to stomach, Christmas really is good news for you.

Will you find out more? Click here...


Wednesday 12th March
9:15am - 2:30pm -
Powered by Church Edit